SocialFi elements

SocialFi elements and systems

Viral networks like TikTok and Venmo rely on easy sharing behaviors and social proof. Early product investment in interoperability decreased marketing costs and increases market adoption. People like TikTok because of design elements like random reinforcement, short attention spans, and sophisticated interoperability with other existing platforms.

SocialFi is social media for Web3, decentralized profits from social-media activity. The NASDAQ suggests that it could be the key to mass main-market adoption of Web3 technologies.

We are going to use Social Fi protocols to incentivize viral marketing of direct-to-consumer offset-purchases.

SocialFi protocols

Initial SocialFi elements in the Savimbo app will include:

  • Environmentalist badges. SV-C Carbon tokens awarded for referrals to Buyer accounts with >500 tonnes of SV-C+ Stored Carbon purchases.

  • Activist badges. SV-C Carbon tokens awarded for referrals leading to Seller accounts with >100 SV-T Active tree tokens, or >100 SV-C+ smart-contracts.

  • Referral credits. SV-C Carbon tokens awarded for documented social shares on Twitter and TikTok accounts with >1k followers. We also offer a 7% first-year Affiliate dividend for affiliate link signups leading to SV-C token sales or Seller accounts with SV-C token smart contracts.

  • Risk dividends. Buyers who make the first smart-contract in a Tree token, or with a new Seller, recieve a small dividend from sales of additional storage if the Tree expands, because they took on the most Risk from a new seller, or seedling tree. See SV-C Carbon token characteristics, and Customer journeys.

Stay tuned for more SocialFi elements as the app expands...

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